Sales Relationship with Other Modules
Integration is the way information is shared between installed modules. When you post, transaction information can be automatically sent to General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, and Accounts Payable, depending on the needs of your business. You can also look up certain information from these modules. See The Lookup Feature for more information.
When Sales is integrated to General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, and Accounts Payable, those modules are updated with sales information when you post. You can set integration on the Integration tab of the Sales Order Entry Preferences and Sales Point of Sale Preferences windows.
NOTE: If you receive an error that indicates integration failed, print the generated report, make the corrections listed, open Module Preferences again, and select the Fix <Module> Integration button on the Integration tab.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
For more information on how integration can help your business processes, refer to the Integration Guide. You can access this guide from the Customer Service Center.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
Use the drop-down for each module to define the integration between Sales and other installed modules. Select the Help button in either Preferences window for detailed information about the options in that window. You must set the General Ledger integration to something other than Report Only if you selected to use the interface table on the System Settings tab of the CMS Organization Information window in the Controller module.
NOTE: Because the Sales module is separated into Order Entry and Point of Sale, sometimes the way integration functions is more complex if you have different settings for each. For example, if you have Point of Sale integration to General Ledger turned off and Order Entry integration to General Ledger turned on, you will still have Lookup access to GL Accounts in the Sales POS Register Codes window, and the data you enter will be validated for accuracy. Windows accessed from the Order Entry or Point of Sale menus will use their respective integration settings.
Published date: 11/22/2021