SalesCS > Sales > Miscellaneous > Sales Discount Invoice Total window
Sales Discount Invoice Total window
Use this window to apply a discount to the invoice total. This discount will overlap all other discounts and any price adjustments that have already been applied to the sales items, including applied discount amounts.
Once you complete this window and select the OK button, you will be returned to the Sales Order Entry or Sales POS Register window. In the detail grid, a discount line will be entered reflecting the discount information you set.
Non-Inventory Discount Code 
Use the Lookup to specify the Non-Inventory Discount Code to use for this discount. This code will determine the General Ledger account affected by the discount.
Select this option button if the discount should be calculated as a percentage of the invoice subtotal. You will then need to specify the percentage by which to discount the invoice. This is the default option if there is no percent associated with the selected Non-Inventory Code.
Fixed Amount  
Select this option button if the discount should be applied as a specific dollar amount. You will then need to specify the dollar amount by which to discount the invoice. This is the default option if there is an amount associated with the selected Non-Inventory Code.
If you selected the Percent option, enter the percentage by which to discount the invoice. Enter the percentage as a number, with decimals if necessary. For example, if you want to discount the invoice by 10%, type 10.
If you selected the Fixed Amount option, enter the dollar amount by which to discount the invoice. Enter the amount as a number, with decimals if necessary. For example, if you want to discount the invoice by $10, type 10.
Discount Amount 
This field appears only if the Percent option is selected. This is the discount that will be applied based on the amount you entered. It is calculated by the system and cannot be changed in this field.
Published date: 11/22/2021